‘This is not consent’

Street harassment is no longer a taboo subject; victims are now speaking out. Unfortunately, many women are still unfairly blamed for the harassment they face, with debates about clothing often reinforcing the false idea that a woman’s attire invites aggression. HandsAway is speaking out against this injustice.

Street harassment remains a significant issue, with 86% of women reporting they have been victims (IFOP, 2018). HandsAway, an organization dedicated to fighting gender and sexual violence in public spaces, is launching a campaign to celebrate women’s freedom. Known for its powerful initiatives, HandsAway and its creative partner, TBWA\Paris, have consistently tackled gender violence head-on. Past campaigns like “Bande de bites” and “Le Poids des mots” exposed the harsh realities of sexism.

Their latest campaign launched last year, ‘This is not consent,’ aimed to challenge the harmful idea that a woman’s outfit justifies harassment. It asserted that women have the right to dress as they please—whether in tight outfits, mini-skirts, plunging necklines, or showing nudity—without fearing verbal or physical assault. The campaign featured testimonies from victims who shared their experiences on HandsAway’s app, highlighting the urgent need to change societal attitudes towards street harassment.

Advertising Agency: TBWA\Paris, France

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