Zeenat Ahmed-Peto

Cognitive Hypnotherapist and author at Zeenat Ahmed-Peto Cognitive Hypnotherapy 

Cognitive Hypnotherapist and author at Zeenat Ahmed-Peto Cognitive Hypnotherapy

"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul."

-William Ernest Henley

I am a cognitive hypnotherapist based in London. I help my clients overcome a lifetime of people-pleasing, improving their boundaries and healing from burn-out. My area of special interest is working with men in the corporate world, who want to create a joyful life with fulfilment at work and connection at home, so they can fall in love with who they are. 

As an experienced therapist, teacher and trainer Zeenat I’ve worked with hundreds of people over my career, helping them get from where they are to where they want to be. My first book 'Too Kind: A Survival Guide for Sensitive Souls' is based on ten years' of clinical hypnotherapy experience working with my clients.

I run a local business networking group for women and supports women starting out in business.

Why did you choose to speak at this event?

I am interested in how digital marketing and advertising campaigns speak to us on an emotional level, and how those responses influence our decisions. This could mean the difference between someone following their dreams or not. Digital marketing is all around us and so it's a conversation we should all be part of.

Why do you believe in diversity?

The more we see ourselves represented positively in what we see, hear and experience, the more doors open for us. 

Why is it important to support women and everyone in Digital Marketing and Design?
Access to information and education is a basic human right and supporting women and under-represented groups allows us to consider different perspectives, making what we see more meaningful to all of us. 

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