Embarking on a journey as an entry-level marketer is often filled with unique experiences and challenges. We had the opportunity to sit with Tofunmi, a passionate and driven entry-level marketer who shares her story of breaking into the marketing industry. Tofunmi's career path took an unexpected turn from her initial aspirations in broadcasting to finding her calling in marketing and storytelling. Read this inspiring conversation with Tofunmi.

WIDD Network: Can you tell us about your journey as an entry-level Black marketing enthusiast?

Tofunmi: I started as a storyteller, dreaming of a career in broadcasting. However, a placement in a telecommunications company's brands and communications department opened my eyes to the power of marketing and storytelling. I shifted my career aspirations, and now I'm excited to use my skills to make a meaningful impact in the marketing industry.

WIDD Network: What initially drew you to this field, and how did you begin your career?

Tofunmi: I'm a creative person with a passion for connecting with people. Marketing allows me to combine these skills and craft narratives that resonate with diverse audiences. Intrigued by the ever-changing marketing landscape, I've been developing my skills and experience since a pivotal placement in Airtel Nigeria's brands and communications department ignited my interest.

WIDD Network: What obstacles or difficulties did you encounter during your job search in the marketing industry?

Tofunmi: As an international student and graduate, I faced visa restrictions and a lack of recognition for international experience. I also encountered a paradox where some roles considered me overqualified, while others deemed me not qualified enough. But I stayed the course, kept applying and improving myself and eventually landed a role that aligns with my skills and career aspirations. I’ll always be grateful to Kinga at Brandspire for taking me under her wing and giving me an opportunity.

WIDD Network: Can you share an example of a time when you faced adversity or rejection in your pursuit of a marketing career, and how did you overcome it?

Tofunmi: I faced several rejections during my job search. But instead of letting them discourage me, I used them as learning experiences. I remained committed to self-improvement and took proactive steps to enhance my skills and qualifications. This approach eventually led to new opportunities.

WIDD Network: In your opinion, what support or changes in the industry could be beneficial for aspiring Black marketing enthusiasts, and what advice would you give to others in a similar position?

Tofunmi: I believe the industry can help by creating targeted internships/schemes for aspiring black marketers, increasing the visibility of Black role models, and fostering inclusive and welcoming workplaces. My advice to aspiring Black marketers is to be confident, network, be vocal and visible, and step outside your comfort zone.

WIDD Network: What attracted you to WIDD Network?

Tofunmi: What attracted me to the WIDD Network is the organization's mission to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the marketing industry. I am always excited to be a part of any community that is committed to DEI because of my experiences and because it aligns with my values.

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