Join Us for the Winter Meeting as we reflect on 2024 and explore opportunities for 2025

As we prepare to close out the year, our Winter Meeting offers an opportunity to come together, reflect on the achievements of 2024, and explore the exciting possibilities for 2025. With the theme “Discussion Continues,” this event promises a dynamic, insightful, and engaging lineup of thought leaders, professionals, and innovators in the digital marketing and design space. If you’re passionate about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), this event is essential for you, as DEI will be woven into every session, aligning with our mission to inspire and champion inclusivity in our industries.

Whether you’re attending in-person at the University of West London or joining us online, this is an event not to miss!


Why You Should Attend:

Reflecting on 2024 – Progress and Challenges

The opening keynote by Diāna Gabrāne-Žukova, Founder & CEO of CoRadiant HR, will offer a comprehensive look at the progress made in 2024 within digital marketing and design. From key milestones to ongoing challenges, this session will lay the groundwork for understanding the future.


Fireside Chat: Shaping 2025 – Emerging Trends and DEI Priorities

Hosted by Kinga Stabryla, Managing Director of Brandspire, this hour-long discussion brings together experts like Zeenat Ahmed-Peto, Sarah Lane, Natalie Boudou, and Samreen Mcgregor. Expect a lively conversation about the trends shaping 2025 and how we can integrate DEI principles into them. This is a must-attend for those looking to foster inclusive leadership and create campaigns that resonate with diverse audiences.

Career Growth – Strategies for Entry-Level Executives (12:35 PM GMT)

Are you just starting out in digital marketing or design? This session is packed with practical advice on mentorship, networking, and personal branding. Whether you’re navigating early career steps or seeking ways to stand out, you’ll leave with strategies to build a successful career.

 Leadership Insights for Directors and Senior Managers (1:00 PM GMT)

Led by Rebecca Vickers, VP of Operations at FMO Media, this session is tailored for senior professionals. You’ll discover how to lead through economic uncertainty, build diverse teams, and champion DEI in your organisation. If you’re in a leadership position, this is your roadmap for navigating the complexities of the modern workplace.

Data Privacy and Ethical Marketing (1:25 PM GMT)

As privacy laws evolve, so must your approach to marketing. In this session, expert speakers will delve into the future of data privacy and offer insights on building customer trust through transparency and ethical marketing practices.

Generative AI in Design: Leading Innovation and Creativity (2:05 PM GMT)

The final session with Jonathan Gabay, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and AI Psychologist, will be a forward-thinking exploration of how generative AI can spark creativity in design. If you’re curious about how AI can enhance your creative process and the ethical considerations behind it, this talk will be invaluable.

Key Takeaways:

•  Insights into 2024’s key trends and challenges in digital marketing and design

•  Actionable DEI strategies that can be applied to leadership and campaigns

•  Career growth tips for both entry-level executives and senior managers

•  A deep dive into the future of data privacy and ethical marketing

•  The potential of generative AI to revolutionize creativity in design


Networking Opportunities

The event will also feature multiple opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals, ask questions, and engage with speakers in real time. Whether you’re attending to grow your network or gain new insights, the Winter Meeting is designed to facilitate meaningful connections.

Book Your Ticket Today!

The Winter Meeting is your chance to prepare for the future of digital marketing and design. Whether you’re interested in advancing your career, improving workplace culture, or understanding the latest tech trends, this event has something for everyone. Secure your spot for this transformative event, either in-person at the University of West London or online. Don’t miss out—register today and be part of shaping the future of our industry!

 Event Details:

•  Date: Wednesday 13 November 2024

•  Location: University of West London (In-person) & Online

•  Time: 11:00 AM – 2:35 PM GMT

•  Tickets: Get your discounted ticket here

Let’s continue the discussion and pave the way for an inclusive and innovative 2025!

WIDD Network

The Women in Digital Marketing & Design (WIDD) Network is a platform designed to champion Diversity, Equity & inclusion in Digital Marketing and Design. It's a space where women inspire women through networking programs, inspiring interviews, 1:1 mentorship, and the showcasing of talents for career opportunities.

Spotlighting Leaders (Women) in Digital Marketing and Design