Creating tomorrow’s Leaders

Throughout my journey in university, I have had endless opportunities to gain experience, network, and connect with mentors outside the classroom. Through these experiences, I have learned skills and techniques that I would not have been able to learn solely based on academics, creating impacts that allow me to look back at my first few semesters fondly. With these 4 experiences, I believe I feel more of my purpose through my academics and extracurriculars and believe that I make an impact:


  1. Panel Discussions

At the end of my first year of university, I attended a panel with some notable women in the business industry. This experience was outside of my comfort zone, but I knew it was an immense opportunity to be able to ask questions to women in the industry I aspire to be in. Before the Q&A period, I was able to sit and listen to their stories, and they were captivating. Through highs and lows, they persevered through challenges, balanced assertiveness with authority, and navigated their own path. From all the struggles and experiences, they built up, they are now successful women who lead with empathy. A few were senior managers but started off in the same position as I did. An eager first year looking to gain any insight they could on the “real world” and how to make a title for themselves. From the hour spent asking questions, I felt so inspired to sit down and reflect on my own journey and who I wanted to be. Having that connection and realness in listening to stories and being able to ask questions allowed me to gain insight into others' experiences and advice, both things that I randomly still think about months later.

Mentorship Program

Currently, I am a mentee within a program, and within only a short meeting, I feel that I think of things differently. A mentorship program is more personal than just a panel discussion or networking, as the connection between the mentee and mentor lasts longer than just a few hours. It is a continuous relationship being grown to provide guidance, support, and resources. From my mentor, I have learned about her story to get where she is today, which helps me reflect on where I want to be and how I want to tell my story. I can ask her questions tailored to my needs in understanding the job market, networking events, and maintaining work-life balance. Through these continuing check-ins, I can get support on my career development that may have been difficult to receive from a classroom and get professional advice through personal stories.


Networking Events

Networking events are one of the most critical ways to get a range of knowledge, stories, and experiences condensed into a short period of time. Through both informal and formal networking events, I would be able to receive stories from industry professionals, alumni, and even upper-year students. Even with only being able to network with a person for a short period of time, the impact is still the same as talking with them for longer. It allows you to get a quick recap of the experiences, and what challenges they faced, but also what they gained at the end of it. You can gain information on leadership, work experiences, and how you can work towards making an impact. Overall, it leaves you reflecting on what you learned and inspires you on how you want to share your story.


Career Mapping and Goal Setting

With the help of academic advisors and supporters, I have been able to gain insight into finding work experience and internships. Many students feel daunted by the fact that post-grad they will need to find a job that will sustain themselves. By getting guidance while still in school, it is easier to get guidance and advice in a smaller setting and find your path. This can be done through advisement on career paths, discussion on values, leadership, and purposes, and goals and objectives to meet. As well as advice on cover letters, resumes, and interviews, the combination helps students feel more prepared to enter the job market.

 Through these four experiences, I have discovered a deeper sense of purpose in both my academics and extracurriculars, and I believe they enable me to make a meaningful impact. These experiences have taught me valuable skills and techniques that go beyond academics, leaving a lasting impact on me, and connecting me with people that are worth admiring.

Written by Audrey


We provide access to resources, and a supportive community for Women innovators in Digital and Design through networking events, inspiring interviews, 1:1 mentorship, online courses, and the showcasing of talents for career opportunities. We come from many countries and backgrounds, yet we are united by common goals.

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