end period poverty campaign by always - A positive campaign

In 2018, Always launched the "End Period Poverty" campaign, which donated one pad to someone in need for every package sold. This campaign mainly ran in African countries like Kenya to raise awareness about period poverty and menstrual health.

The Always #EndPeriodPoverty campaign aimed to help girls stay confident and reach their full potential. Always believed that lack of access to period products shouldn't stop anyone from achieving their goals.

Always conducted a study among schoolgirls to understand what else they were missing out on due to period poverty. Sadly, 31% of girls avoided out-of-school activities or sports because of period poverty, and 21% said they lacked confidence because they couldn't join such groups or clubs. One in four girls found themselves in embarrassing public situations without period protection, and 27% stayed home because they couldn't afford period products.

Encouragingly, 48% of girls with access to free period products at school said it helped them participate in activities they usually missed. Schools reported that these products reduced period poverty, with 80% saying they helped girls feel more confident and improved their willingness to talk about periods. Additionally, 41% of schools noted improved attendance among girls.

A survey of 1,500 women found that over a fifth felt held back because they couldn't participate in extracurricular activities due to period poverty. 22% believed they lacked teamwork skills, and 30% said it affected their ability to socialize. In contrast, those who participated in out-of-school activities benefited greatly, with 43% of women saying these skills helped shape their careers and half saying it made them more confident.

The survey methodology included polling 500 schoolgirls aged 10-18 and 1,500 women between July 10-17, 2019, conducted online by OnePoll. An additional survey of 291 educators in state secondary schools was conducted by We Are Futures in June 2019.

Participating retailers for the 1 pack = 1 pad donation included Tesco, Wilko, Boots, Co-Op, and Superdrug during specific dates in 2020.

The goal of this campaign was to help #EndPeriodPoverty, and with support from people across the country, Always donated nearly 32 million period products to schools and youth groups by the end of 2020.

For every like or comment on their artistic posts until April 30, 2020, Always donated a product to help a young person in need. Talented artist and activist @florencegiven, known for her powerful slogans and striking female characters promoting self-love, was among the illustrators involved. For more details, join the Always community on Instagram @always_uk_ireland.



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